Tuesday, May 20, 2008


i've gotten so off track due to traveling and friends being in town. I've gained 2 lbs and I'm pissed. I can actually feel it. i feel sluggish and my jeans are not as comfy. there have been constant brunches, lunches and dinners out and it's not going to stop for a while. this is the first day in a while that i've actually had a chance to go to the gym!

i think my goal for this week, with looming graduation lunches, cocktails and parties followed by a 5 day trip to Colorado for a wedding....is to be more present and conscious in my ordering and snacking. Salads instead of grilled cheese, lay off the crackers and cheese and cake, drink more water, utilize the hotel's gym, walk as much as I can. i have a tendency to want to really celebrate with food and go buck wild....but my body can't handle it! WATER!!!


andrea said...

um, right there with ya. i gained so much weight my back hurts.

Briana said...

omg i echo everything you both said. with quittin ma job and seeing my friends before i leave NY, i've been eating and eating and not so much with the working out. it's hard to dive back into healthy habits but i think erin has the right attitude and approach. ugh.