Tuesday, May 20, 2008


i've gotten so off track due to traveling and friends being in town. I've gained 2 lbs and I'm pissed. I can actually feel it. i feel sluggish and my jeans are not as comfy. there have been constant brunches, lunches and dinners out and it's not going to stop for a while. this is the first day in a while that i've actually had a chance to go to the gym!

i think my goal for this week, with looming graduation lunches, cocktails and parties followed by a 5 day trip to Colorado for a wedding....is to be more present and conscious in my ordering and snacking. Salads instead of grilled cheese, lay off the crackers and cheese and cake, drink more water, utilize the hotel's gym, walk as much as I can. i have a tendency to want to really celebrate with food and go buck wild....but my body can't handle it! WATER!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

at least i eat less when its hot

doing ok with the exercise...my new motto is "whatever works"...back in my marathon training days (which i admittedly still miss), it was all about getting in at least an hour run every day. now, i just try to fit something in whenever i can, even if its a long walk or bike ride to run errands. the other day i barely got 25 min on the elliptical, but i figure it was better than nothin.
PLUS! when its warm, i am less of a weeny about riding my bike, and i tend to eat less when it gets toasty. i am going to look at beach house tomorrow i might rent, so i am hoping that if it works out, i will be more diligent about biking/running, and that being in the constant presence of girls in bikinis will motivate me! the newest dilemma is this: should i work out at the gym on campus, or suck it up and get a membership off campus? my fear is running into my students, esp in the locker room. what say you?

Seven for 7

Seven wine nights. That's right- i drank wine all 7 nights last week. (I am supposed to have 3, mind you). I didn't gain or lose any weight, so that's good. Part of it had to do with the fact that I was on vacation. Oh- and I only went to the gym once. Bad! Bad! Erin!

So now, entering week 7, (OMG!), I promise to stay on track! On my way to the gym now.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Move it AND Lose it

I'm ready to get back on track!

School is over and now I need to focus on exercising again. Since friends and family are coming in this week it might be a little difficult, but I'm going to try to get to the gym at least 3 times. And, lift those weights (3 times this week) that keep taunting me!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Flab and Fat

pancakes and beer? i mean really?

but school's almost out for summer and forever, so i'll be back on the horse in no time!

Monday, May 5, 2008

portion control what?

Hi Briana! I'm Shannon, Erin's cousin in Cali
I think that if we could merge my workout habits with your diet, we'd be perf.
Unlike Briana, I can sleep through anything, & seem to be able to get my workouts in pretty well, but cant kick the cheese and carbs to save my life! and i have been cursed with the "you gotta eat everything on your plate...!" mindset.
take last week - did pretty well. Ran/biked/hiked 6 days of the week.
Then today my friend took me to Chez Panisse for lunch, and I had a pretty nice meal. Then we met some friends for dinner, and I decided I wasnt really hungry (plus i hate ethiopian food!), so I just had a "flax seed shake". Came home, and wasnt hungry at all, but since i "hadnt had dinner", i felt like i had to eat something. SO, I had a bowl of cereal. That would have been fine enough, except for 20 min later I decided I was still hungry, and ate a bunch of rice crisps and cheese. Then, decided I needed some vegetables, and made a salad - which I covered in more shredded cheese! Geez! So there went whatever benefit from rocking the bike for 45 min at the gym today.
(sigh...) goal this week: work out every day AND! stop eating so much damn carbs and cheese.


I'm discouraged. I worked out harder than usual 5 days in a row last week and didn't lose a pound!

bah humbug. damn pancakes.

it's a wine night.

Back in Action

OK, so I'm ready to get back on track this week. Last week was brutal, but that is in the past!

For this week I'm going to try to get to the gym 2-3 times (last week of school/internship so time is tight).

I'm also going to lift weights 2-3 times this week.

I've also been starting to get off the subway a stop early to walk a little extra.

Work it!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Week 6...AHHH!

So week 6 is upon us, ladies! I can't believe it.

I have to say....I was pretty damn good last week. I went to the gym 4 times (my goal) and did the machine EACH time for 45 minutes plus (my goal!). Then one day I did the Revlon Walk for Breast Cancer (a 10K) and ran the last 2 miles with Andrea. And I only had beer/wine 3 times (my goal).

The only thing is, is that last night I ate a lot of pancakes and drank a lot of beer at the "Pancakes and Beer Party", and then I topped it off with croissants (yes, plural) this morning. I'm just hoping that my extra exercise made up for some of it. We'll see tomorrow at my Monday weigh-in, but I do have to say I feel better (albeit a little sore)!

Goals for this week:
-Add 2 weight lifting days to my routine. I leave to go out of town on Friday, so I need to get in 4 workout days before then! (each with 45 minutes on the machine)
-Go to bed by 1am, wake up b y 9am. EVERY DAY! (i work from home, people)
-Get a photo published in the New Yorker!